Steam filter
Steam filters allow the production of culinary steam from saturated steam. Different filters are available depending on the required steam quality.
The JUMAG Steam Filter: Function and Benefit
What are steam filters used for and what are their advantages?
Culinary steam: Fine stainless steel mesh filter
JUMAG steam boilers produce saturated steam. Higher-value steam types are culinary steam, pure steam or ultrapure steam.
Culinary steam is usually required in the food industry and can be produced from saturated steam using steam filters. The steam is filtered with fine stainless steel meshes. Depending on the required steam quality, JUMAG offers the corresponding steam filters.
Pure steam and ultrapure steam
Pure steam for medical technology and ultrapure steam for pharmaceuticals are produced with downstream heat exchangers. Under certain conditions, pure steam according to DIN EN 285 can be generated with the JUMAG electric steam boiler in stainless steel design.
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