JUMAG Multiple UnitSteam Systems

If a single steam boiler cannot meet the maximum steam demand, or if a fail-safe steam supply through redundancy is desired, a multiple unit steam system is recommended. For this purpose, several steam boilers are set up in parallel. They use a common water supply and a common blow down vessel.

Combine oil or gas with electric steam generation: JUMAG multiple unit steam systems are also available as hybrid solutions. This will give you more flexibility for your future energy mix.

JUMAG Multiple Unit Steam Systems:No one can do it more flexibly ...

Flexible, economical and equipped for the future

  • For larger steam demands – and still cost-efficient
  • Expandable steam output; the system grows with your needs
  • Demand-oriented steam supply for fluctuating steam consumption
  • Unlimited number of connected JUMAG steam boilers possible
  • Also as hybrid steam system (oil/gas and electric)
  • All Jumag systems can also be rented

Fail-safe and durable

  • Supply safety through redundant steam boilers
  • Capacity is adjusted to demand via a boiler sequence circuit, resulting in optimal utilisation of the individual steam boilers


  • Multiple unit steam systems of the DG series do not require approval or monitoring in many countries
  • Easy maintenance
  • Alternatively with automatic blow down or desalination
  • 365 days, 24 h accessibility of our customer service
  • Connection to PC, mobile end devices and control centres as well as remote maintenance possible


  • Space-saving installation
  • Optional: Prepared for system expansion if higher steam outputs are required in the future
  • Complete solution ensures optimum utilisation; individual steam boilers switch on and off depending on steam demand.
  • Reliability through redundancy (in the event of boiler malfunction or maintenance)
JUMAG Dampferzeuger Mehrfachdampfanlage
High steam quality with minimal residual moisture
Standard burner; oil or gas
Many surfaces and parts in stainless steel
High energy efficiency (up to 97% efficiency) due to economiser (with second downstream economiser efficiency >100% possible)
Graphics touch screen

Low-maintenance circulation pump

Small shell boiler: Robust pressure vessel
Smooth water level control

Economical, energy-efficient, versatile.Overview of our product range

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