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JUMAG steam boilers at ANUGA Foodtec 2022 in Cologne

Pure steam, culinary steam, heating, sterilising – the best solutions for the food and beverage industry: JUMAG at ANUGA Foodtech
Flexibility during the COVID-19 pandemic

Uncertain times for investments? JUMAG offers fair rental conditions – later purchase possible.
Investment security when purchasing a new steam boiler

Why electric steam boilers are the future
Oil, gas or electric?

Oil-fired, gas-fired or electric steam boiler – which is best?
Factor 1673

Efficiently generated, quickly transferred: Steam energy carrier
How to become a service technician. And why.

How can you become a service technician for steam boilers?
COVID-19: Update

JUMAG business operations continue without restrictions. Our health protection measures.
Subsidies pay for your steam boiler

Subsidies pay for your steam boiler
That is why JUMAG promotes breweries

JUMAG is a partner in the Verein zur Förderung mittelständischer Privatbrauereien (Association for Promotion of Medium-sized Private Breweries).